All the way up!

We are excited to take you on a bird’s-eye view of our Tjeko UG Fun Village! Even as we build and develop our land over the next few years, we ensure that we don’t waste any moment to PLAY!

Last week, more than 800 children visited our Fun Village in just one day!

We promote the importance of play in the development of children from the youngest age possible… so when our team organized a nursery playday, we were thrilled that more than 25 primary schools in our Jinja region in Uganda attended! Each child pays an entry fee because Tjeko functions as a social enterprise.

Imagine what we can achieve if we keep pursuing the dream of becoming ‘Africa’s biggest team of play professionals’ 💪🏽

Become part of the dream – adopt a piece of our village! Stichting Tjeko

Thanks for the amazing footage – by Ray Moses Mayanga! (Former Tjeko Academy student)

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