Making an impact together!

Land Tjeko has been given the incredible opportunity to transform 15 hectares of fertile land into a real Fun Village in a Food Forest. Since the second quarter of 2023, our Fun Village team, led by Nicolas with the support of Sieger, has started developing the food forest. Seven and a half hectares will serve … Read more

Team-building day

Written by Phiona and Furgas (Team Uganda) As we bounced back to work from a two-week holiday, the team leader guided us in a cycling session from the Fun Village to Butembe. This trip helped us reawaken our minds from the holiday break and get our bodies ready for 2024. Along the way, we encountered … Read more

Children, small and big ones

More and more people are discovering us—some through Tjeko Live, while others have found us through our marketing efforts or a visit from Fun Services. We absolutely adore it when schools come to visit us at the Fun Village! It’s an opportunity for them to explore the land and, of course, our fantastic playpark—a spacious … Read more


Do you remember the small plants that were planted in October? Well, look at how far they’ve come! It’s amazing to see these plants thriving, expanding both in height and width. Here’s a sneak peek of their progress! The plants aren’t the only ones growing; the last two pictures show the boundary between our camping … Read more

Food Forest in action!

This month it’s Treevember! A month dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of trees for our environment and our planet. We’re also actively involved in planting trees and plants in Uganda. We’d love to tell you more about it! Progress is being made: Our projects are making significant progress, with a focus on planting … Read more